
HEAVENLY & SWEETNESS a Jazzamar Jazz mix

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we are proud to welcome the long time jazz activist and flute player JAZZAMAR for a new mix. Jazzamar is mixing all over the world since years and he's running the beautiful Jazzmin records label, check out his forthcoming releases : M swift, Nu Tropic, LS & the banditos.
 :1-Archie Sheep " Africa Drum Suite" Impulse LP  2- Byard Lancaster " Saint John Cotrane" Heavenly Sweetness 7''
  3- Bobby Cole " A Perfect Day" Concentric LP   4- Moacir Santos " Off and On " Blue Note LP  4-24 Carat "Moon at Noon" Jazzmin Records 12"   5-Mark Murphy " Stolen Moments" Muse LP  6-Emil Mangelsdorff " Ruck-a-Sack" Europa LP   7-Perigeo "Tamale" RCA LP  8-The Descendants of Mike & Phoebe "Two songs for a boy named Mark" Strata-East LP  8-Henri Guedon " Toi Patou fémé"  Epic LP  9-Helio Matheus " Briguenta" RCA LP   10-Henri Guedon "Los antillanos de Paris" ADC LP 11- Quasimode " Finger Tip " Flower Rec 12'

More infos : www.myspace.com/jazzminrecords


Heavenly Sweetness le 19.03.09 à 11:37 dans Actualités - Version imprimable
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